Inspiration for hanging pictures at home



The way your display your photography at home can be just as creative as the art that is actually in the frames. Instead of the same boring methods, get creative with hanging your pictures. Make use of symmetry, colors (or lack thereof), textures and depth to feature your pictures rather than just fill space on walls. Need some ideas? Here are a few:

1. Install narrow black wall shelves evenly in three rows. If you have room, try off-setting the middle shelf to create imbalance. Pick a simple style of frame in different sizes all in one color – such as black – and place black & white photos in the largest frames in back.  Using the same style frame but in a much smaller size, place color photos  in front of each shelf, overlapping the larger frames. The use of shelves and frames will create depth and texture. 
Example from Pinterest

2. If wall space isn’t an issue, create two or three rows of four identical square frames (in both size and color). Chose a theme for the set, either eight or 12 total, such as a favorite city, members of your family, local nature or places you have visited. Depending on your theme, you could even try chronological order. Print all of the photos in black & white, with the exception of one color photo in each row. Not only will the wall have a symmetrical feel, but the color photos will draw the eye as the set tells a story. 
Example from Pinterest.

3. If you have a high resolution photo you particularly love, use it to create a feature wall with multi-panel canvas prints. Try three or four equal sized panels in horizontal or vertical lines, or create a large square shape with four equal sized square panels. With the right photo, it creates a dramatic presentation and is a great idea for landscapes and city scenes. 
Example from Pinterest

4. Install a curtain rod at the top of a wall, or use a thick metal wire that is secured at each end by stoppers, like those from IKEA. Using different lengths of thin wire (or twine for a different look), alternate the lengths of wire across the wall, hanging a photo at the bottom of each. Use all matching frames, or mismatched but complementary frames, depending on the look you’re going for.  Take it one step farther by hanging multiple frames on the same wires. 
Example from Pinterest